Eric Bach(University of Wisconsin, Madison):
Bounds for the Expected Duration of the Monopolist Game

Amano, Tromp, Vitanyi, and Watanabe have recently studied a ruin problem of the following type. Each of k players starts with an initial stake I. At each round, the m players that are sufficiently solvent each pay an ante of 1/m. These are combined into a pot that is awarded to a randomly chosen active player. Eventually, all players are bankrupted save one (the ``monopolist''), and the game stops.

For n=2 this is equivalent to a symmetric random walk with absorbing barriers, and the mean duration of the game is well known to be Theta(I^2). Based on experimental evidence, Amano et al. conjectured that the expected duration of the k-player game, that is, the expected time at which the monopolist emerges, is Theta(k^2 I^2). In this talk I will prove their conjecture.