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Computer Security and Cryptography
Reading Group
June 2003 List

Date &
4 June 2003
1304 CS
2:30 - 3:30 PM

Umesh Shankar, Vern Paxson
UC Berkeley / ICSI

Active Mapping: Resisting NIDS Evasion Without Altering Traffic
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

URL: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ushankar/research/active/activemap.pdf

A critical problem faced by a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is that of ambiguity. The NIDS cannot always determine what traffic reaches a given host nor how that host will interpret the traffic, and attackers may exploit this ambiguity to avoid detection or cause misleading alarms. We present a lightweight solution, Active Mapping, which eliminates TCP/IP-based ambiguity in a NIDS analysis with minimal runtime cost. Active Mapping efficiently builds profiles of the network topology and the TCP/IP policies of hosts on the network; a NIDS may then use the host profiles to disambiguate the interpretation of the network traffic on a per-host basis. Active Mapping avoids the semantic and performance problems of traffic normalization, in which traffic streams are modified to remove ambiguities. We have developed a prototype implementation of Active Mapping and modified a NIDS to use the Active Mapping-generated profile database in our tests. We found wide variation across operating systems’ TCP/IP stack policies in real-world tests (about 7,500 hosts), underscoring the need for this sort of disambiguation.

11 June 2003
1304 CS
2:30 - 3:30 PM

David Price, Algis Rudys, Dan S. Wallach

Garbage Collector Memory Accounting in Language-Based Systems
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

URL: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~arudys/papers/oakland2003.html

Language run-time systems are often called upon to safely execute mutually distrustful tasks within the same runtime, protecting them from other tasks' bugs or otherwise hostile behavior. Well-studied access controls exist in systems such as Java to prevent unauthorized reading or writing of data, but techniques to measure and control resource usage are less prevalent. In particular, most language run-time systems include no facility to account for and regulate heap memory usage on a per-task basis. This oversight can be exploited by a misbehaving task, which might allocate and hold live enough memory to cause a denial-of-service attack, crashing or slowing down other tasks. In addition, tasks can legitimately share references to the same objects, and traditional approaches that charge memory to its allocator fail to properly account for this sharing. We present a method for modifying the garbage collector, already present in most modern language run-time systems, to measure the amount of live memory reachable from each task as it performs its regular duties. Our system naturally distinguishes memory shared across tasks from memory reachable from only a single task without requiring incompatible changes to the semantics of the programming language. Our prototype implementation imposes negligible performance overheads in a variety of benchmarks, yet provides enough information for the expression of rich policies to express the limits on a task's memory usage.

18 June 2003
1304 CS
2:30 - 3:30 PM

Classic paper

F.T. Grampp, R.H. Morris
AT&T Bell Laboratories

UNIX operating system security
AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, October 1984

URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~fischer/os-papers/grampp-unix.pdf.gz

25 June 2003
1304 CS
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Recent paper

Lantian Zheng, S. Chong, A.C. Myers, S. Zdancewic

Using replication and partitioning to build secure distributed systems
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/8543/27002/01199340.pdf?isNumber=27002&prod=CNF&

A challenging unsolved security problem is how to specify and enforce system-wide security policies; this problem is even more acute in distributed systems with mutual distrust. This paper describes a way to enforce policies for data confidentiality and integrity in such an environment. Programs annotated with security specifications are statically checked and then transformed by the compiler to run securely on a distributed system with untrusted hosts. The code and data of the computation are partitioned across the available hosts in accordance with the security specification. The key contribution is automatic replication of code and data to increase assurance of integrity without harming confidentiality, and without placing undue trust in any host. The compiler automatically generates secure run-time protocols for communication among the replicated code partitions. Results are given from a prototype implementation applied to various distributed programs.

Classic paper

John Dobson, Brian Randell
University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Building reliable secure computing systems out of unreliable insecure components

URL: http://www.acsac.org/2001/papers/142.pdf

Parallels are drawn between the problems and techniques associated with achieving high reliability, and those associated with the provision of security, in distributed computing systems. Some limitations of the concept of a Trusted Computing Base are discussed, and an alternative approach to the design of highly secure computing systems is put forward, based on fault tolerance concepts and techniques.

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